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Steven Moffat interview on AOL

Steven Moffat interview on AOL: AOL did a fantastic and insightful interview with The Moff, which can be read here. In the interview, Moffat reveals some of the histories of his decisions...

I'm interested in the conception of the River Song story. In 'Silence in the Library,' did you already know she was going to be the daughter of a companion?

Oh no, no. I mean, it was one possible theory. Why is it somebody who's got such connections, who would that be? Is it just a future companion? What if it's somebody's got a lifelong commitment to the Doctor or his companion? So when I introduced Amy, I kept my options open [and used the name Pond]. I thought I was doing [the name thing] in plain sight and nobody [caught] it for a long while. But I didn't know at the time Karen was going to stay long enough for that story to come off. I didn't know if Alex would keep coming back.

Thanks to Combom & Planet Gallifrey


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